5 tips on choosing the perfect office space

Category Commercial Property News

So you’ve been running your business out of your kitchen or living room for the last couple of months, but your employees are starting to get a little cramped and cranky. Don’t you think it's time to consider finding your own office space? Choosing an office seems like an easy task, however, there are surprisingly a large amount of factors that go into it. It's one of those tasks that seems flawlessly easy on paper, however, when you get down to it, it's also extremely easy to make mistakes. These mistakes might not seem like such a big deal, however they could make or break your business, so it's advised to choose wisely. Here are 5 tips to help you make the best possible decision.

Your employees are important, take their needs into consideration

Your employees are vitally important to the success of your business, take this into consideration. It might suit you to rent an office space near your home or an office space which is the cheapest on the market, however, travel time is something that must be taken into consideration as not everyone has the same locality in terms of where the office is positioned. Choosing an office space that benefits everyone will greatly improve productivity, and enable you to keep your most valuable asset. Which are the people who work for you.

Negotiate your rent

Remember everything in life is negotiable, even when it comes to rentals on commercial property. Just because a certain location or office park will be advertised at a certain price, it doesn’t mean that it isn't open to discussion. Negotiate with your property company to make sure you get the best possible deal. There are very few brokers who have fixed prices, most will be willing to help in getting you a suitable price. If they can’t they will also be able to find you something more suited to your price range and needs.

Asking the experts for advice and only choose reputable brokers

Asking the right people will help you in making the right decision the first time around. There are many horror stories about people making the wrong choices on their locations for offices, and this often means they have to move more than once. This is costly and time consuming and futile. Pick reputable brokers or companies that will give you expert advice. Companies such as OfficePlace is one such example. They run their operations out of the various epicenters of South Africa and are well known for giving great advice and service within the commercial property market.

Suitable size premises and room for growth is optimal

You might be working out of your mom’s basement at the moment, and you’re used to a cramped working environment. This doesn’t mean that your company won’t grow to enormous heights. Where you will eventually be hiring multiple highly skilled individuals. In turn needing a fair amount of office space to house all these employees, desks, computers and business equipment. This needs to be taken into consideration as moving multiple times isn’t necessary and can be costly.

Parking is also something which needs careful consideration

It might not seem like it but parking is also something that needs to be taken into consideration. Try and find an office location with ample and secure parking. The last thing you want is for your employees to have issues with their vehicles being on public roads. Where they could be liable for fines or susceptible to theft. Also, you don’t want to make other companies who share offices in the same block upset due to too many cars and not enough parking space.

Choosing the correct office space could make or break your commercial business that is why location is vital. The Sandton area has 757 available office spaces available for rental through OfficePlace this is why many have decided to use this leading commercial property brokerage for their commercial exploits as they have a proven track record. Get in contact with one of their reputable brokers today and start your next commercial operation out of this leading location for business and commerce.

Author: OfficePlace Commercial Property Brokerge

Submitted 16 May 18 / Views 1799

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