Mega brand Huawei moves to Woodmead

Category Commercial Property News

The world is becoming one global stage, village or community for various companies and mega brands. Woodmead one of Johannesburg's highly regarded suburbs is seeing this trend in the flesh. Mega Chinese electronics and cell phone manufacturing company Huawei are one of the leading brands in the present moment that is moving their operation to the affluent community of Woodmead in Johannesburg. This statement is given further weight as the brand is credited for creating 18 buildings in Woodmead in Johannesburg as apart of a drive to create a centralised area for all points of their operations in South Africa. This is according to a news article published off /

According to the same article, this development is also doing a lot for skills implementation and job creation in the area. “It said that in 2016, it invested $5m in an innovation centre with the department of telecoms & postal services. It also created the first Huawei Open Lab in Africa. This comes on top of investments in ICT skills — through its training centre, it has skilled up 20 000 people”. This is line with various trends in commercial developments where companies are opting to build facilities that service every need of their employees including Waterfall City which is only but one of the many mixed use developments which are popping up all over Johannesburg and South Africa. According to the same article the company already has roughly 1050 official employees and they have created employment for plus minus another 5 000 additional people through various subcontractors making the company highly pivotal in the South African telecommunications market. 

This major development which will see all of Huawei's brands housed under one roof will aptly be titled Huawei Office Park. The fortune 500 company has its international operating offices in Shenzhen, Guangdong which is regarded to be a metropolitan area, which connects Hong Kong to the mainland of China. It's a little-known fact that Huawei is the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer on the planet. The development is set to open within the next couple months and it will utilize a portion of space at the Harrowdene Office Park in Woodmead, which will undoubtedly raise the profile of the entire area in terms of commercial development. The Woodmead location is already the South African home for prominent high flying brands such as Ericsson, 3M, SAP and Sage showing that many leading companies find the suburb beneficial for their operational base. Another factor that makes Woodmead favourbale for various reasons is that the suburb is within key locality to prominent suburban areas making it more desirable for employees as well, where travel time is far less. 

Leading commercial property specialists OfficePlace have also sighted Woodmead as a key location for any size operation. The regarded company has 26 available properties for rental in the region and huge brands such as Huawei moving in adds even more credibility to this already well-established epicentre for commercial reasons. 

Leading companies such as Huawei moving to the Woodmead area, only help in raising the profile of this already established and regarded Johannesburg suburb. This well-established brand is doing their bit to create jobs in the area as well as enable a commercial office culture to flourish. Sought after property specialists OfficePlace have also sighted Woodmead as an area that has a lot to offer in terms of great office retail and they have properties in the area to suit anyone’s needs. Get in contact with one of their highly dedicated and skilled brokers today and start your next operation out of the Woodmead suburb a convenient distance from other prominent locations such as Sandton. 

Author: OfficePlace Property Specialists

Submitted 18 Jul 18 / Views 3747